Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Step 2

Step 2 .... please read below for the prior steps to this process.

Now, the next step is to recognize that achieving your target income is a process. The next question is how do I get from where I am now to where I want to be?

Well, you have established a goal, now you need to identify the path. That path can include education, special projects, volunteer work, and mingling with the right crowd just for starters.

THE BIG SECRET: It is very important to realize that the people around you, who have not established a goal, may not be supportive of your planning. This may not be open arguments, but may take the place of negativity when you talk to them about what you are doing. Please, if you take nothing else away from this, take this: DON'T LISTEN. Nothing about this is rocket science. Nothing about this requires a Genius level IQ. You only need three things to succeed: A Goal, A plan to get there, and enough drive to keep working at it.

That's it. That's the big secret.

The difference between people who achieve their goals and people who don't is the last two things. The drive to get there and a plan for making it happen. If you don't have the drive, well, I doubt I can help you. But I can help you to establish a Plan.

So .... we've talked about the goal, let's talk for a moment about how come up with the plan.

The question you need to ask is what type of job skills do you need to have the type of roles you are interested in. How do we find this out?

Well, the Internet can be your friend, but you can talk to people in that field, read magazines, and look at want ads. Yes, I said want ads. Look at job postings on-line and take notes on the wants and needs that they are asking for. Do they want a degree? Do they want someone who has worked retail, handled money, done financial work?

Write these top level things down. Build a list of the top 10 attributes that these types of positions are looking for. WRITE DOWN THE TOP 10!

Perhaps the TOP 10 for a retail store manager might be: Experience in retail, proven track record of success, experience with profit and loss, experience leading a team, Associate degree required, people skills, and so on ....

What's important is that you translate these things into something you can take action on, but we'll talk more about that later.

We're going to work with the top 10 going forward, so please, take a few days and write these down. These 10 things are going to be a focal point in your life for the next few years, so take the time to get this step down. If you only come up with 5 or 6 right now, well, that's ok at this step of the game.

I'll be out for a couple of weeks, so you'll have time to work on this. Write any questions in the comments section and I'll get to them as I can.

Next we get into the exciting stuff of formulating the plan, so stay tuned.


copyright 2009 by the author

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